I would like to suggest somethIng to you along a slightly different line. I don't know American law let alone the laws of your state, but you are living common-law so should you split up he maybe entitled to a portion of your house and bank account. Please go to a lawyer and see how you can best protect yourself should you need to leave or have him leave. These things are never simple and black and white. Laws change with some frequency so what happened to your friend may in all likelihood not apply to you.

We need to be practical in these things, it is hard enough under normal circumstances but drugs and booze and cancer are not normal. I really feel for you and the position you are in. He needs help but he has to be the one to help himself. It may be that he needs to be shocked into realizing how good he has it with his family. We don't want you so run down that you are the next one in the family with cancer, it does happen to caretakers you know.

Please keep us up to date we really care about how you are managing. It helps to talk so keep talking to us.

Light and blessings,


55 yrs, Female, smoked for 4 yrs 35 yrs. ago, SCC right underside tongue and floor of mouth, laser surgery took 1/3 tongue Aug 2010, 3 weeks later in Sept right neck dissection 40 nodes removed with 1microscopic spot in one node. No chemo or radiation.