Mine was very eventful! Did not start rads today...instead got some teeth grinded down,a thorough denistry cleaning, blood work, and more wait times. But chemotherapy is a for sure go! tomorrow morning. Hoping the radioligists get their you know what together and start this week. I swear both teams need to stop fighting and start treating, not tricking. Anyway, CISPLATIN Round 1 tomorrow, wipe my forehead, poor some water on my back and slide my mouth piece in, DING DING DING!!!


SCC left lateral tongue, left neck dissection. 2 nodes positive. 3 All Clear then ITS BACK 8/23/11 Shows 1cm in tongue in CT SCAN, Radial Free Arm Flap with Radical Neck Dissection 9/20/11 , All Nodes Negative, But Tongue Tumor Poorly Differentiated. Awaiting next step in treatment on 10/5/11... RIP Nate 7/28/12