Hey Nathan,
My sister just completed treatment on Monday. She had 30 rads and 4 infusions of Erbitux(a new form of chemo). She had a bad reaction from the Erbitux which made the sores in her mouth worse which caused thrush. She also developed a severe rash from the Erbitux. I believe that if she choose not to do this drug she would have went through radiation much easier. She also started without a PEG tube and ended up with it 3.5 weeks in. They also had to give her a week break from radiation and hospitalized her because she was dehydrated.
I must say that even though she has these side effects she still walked everyday, went for a weekend vacation. She also drank a half a cup of water everyday and opened her mouth all the way everyday. She is in the hospital again this week fir dehydration but from what I have read she hasn't done so bad.
My sister was always skinny(never over 130 at 5,6") so she really doesn't have much room to lose weight and thy don't want her to. Through everything she is down to about 115 so the dr's admit her to hydrate her they do not want her losing anymore weight. I am sure that if she saw what I have wrote to you in this she would tell me it was worse then I have explained but my take is she didn't do to bad. She was never in bed for a full day.
Like everyone says I am sure everyone is different. To me it sounds like you have recovered fairly well from surgery as she has. So I do believe you will do ok with radiation. Believe me it does seem much worse pain wise then surgery because it gets worse then better where surgery you just heal. I would also ask for the Peg before. Everyone told my sister but she didn't get it. Instead she had to have a week off from dehydration and to put it in. It just prolonged the pain of radiation.
I wish u the best during this part of the battle. Your positive attitude and willpower will get you through. You are one tough guy.

CG to Sister (42). Smoker quit @ diagnosis Dx 4/20/10 SCC T2N0M0, Rside of tongue Hemigloss R neck dis, all nodes removed 6/2/10, Trach and NG in, home 6/8/10,8/18/2010 start erbitux x6, 30 IMRT end 10/11/10 with only 3x erbitux due to reaction and one week off of rads
1/10/2011 Clear PET!!!