Good Luck Nate! My boyfriend had 2 of them made, they kinda messed up the first one.? ya so he brought that one home to show me what he had to wear. And when he was done he brought the one they used home with him. He tried to be silly and make a Halloween Mask out of it by putting nails in the top of it(like Hellboy I guess)maybe it was just theraputic for him to do it, cuz when I asked him where it was he said he threw it away. We still do have the first one though. I'm keeping it.

CG to Ron
Out of Pain 4/3/13
4/12-lung and under chin growth no treatment
1/13/12 lung biopsy
6/11 recur 6/30 resection #2 Clear margins
Clear 12/10
Surg 5/13/10 neck dis/nodes part gloss/flap R thigh all teeth out
RAD 30 8/10
DX 4/2/10 "Oral Cavity" T3NOMO
12/28/07 Non Hodg Lymph remission 7/08
passed away 4.3.15, RIP Ron, you are greatly missed