Well, here we are after 11 radiation and 1 chemo treatments.
All of a sudden, Gordon has developed a very sore tongue, as well
as a sore mouth.
Unfortunately he has just had the stomach flu for a couple of days and this threw everything off track.
His RO prescribed a mouthwash that contains Solu-Cortef 100 MGM/Benadryl/Nystatin ML MCD. He's supposed to swish and swallow, then not eat anything for 1/2 hr. It's not clear if he's supposed to do this 1/2 hr. prior to eating or not. It doesn't look to me like there is a painkiller in
this mixture, but I'm not sure. He says it tastes vile and hurts going down.
We're having a really bad time with feeding - Boost/Glucerna, non-sugar ice cream and puddings seem to give him the runs, although he's having a lot more dairy so that may be the culprit.
We tried tuna salad with avocado tonight, but he couldn't tolerate the avocado (said it made his tongue sting like crazy). He had chicken noodle soup with an egg in it and ate the tuna.
If it's like this now, I hate to think what it will be like a couple of weeks
from now.
If anyone has any advice on how to handle this, that would be great.
I figure all I can do is call the clinic tomorrow and let them know what's
going on. I feel so sorry for him and don't know what to do to help.
I'm trying everything I can think of, food-wise, but am kind of at a loss
(he's also pre-diabetic).
Thanks, Anne