Thank you for your suggestions.

The gagging started in week four of treatment. Simon said that when anything touches his tongue he can't handle it and the gagging reflex kicks in. He says swallowing is fine.
He has anti nausea meds but the oncologist said that it isn't related to nausea as it is his tongue otherwise he's fine.

He manages to drink 3 glasses of ensure and maybe 3 glasses of water. Definitely not enough but I can't make him do more. Sometimes he tolerates wheet bix but that's it.

He gurgles with soda water to get rid of excess mucous which seems to help. The mouthwash , Curasept he's on, stings and he doesn't tolerate it.

His energy levels are very low. Tired and exhausted all the time.


Working caregiver of my husband (51) Simon

03/2014 oropharyngeal cancer, stage IVB, T2N3M0, HPV 16 +
04/2014 Neck dissection - 39 lymph nodes removed, one node positive greater than 6cm, tumour in tonsil reaching into soft palette
28/04/14 begin of treatment
33 x RADS 66 Gy, 33 x chemo cisplatin 13mg each
29/04/14. pick two lines
12/06/14 finished treatment
09/ 14 Pet scan clear