Heike, this is a safe place to vent, no one is here to judge, were all here to support.

When my husband went through treatment it was up and down emotionally the whole time, you just gotta keep going, just take it a day at a time (focus on trying to get him to eat/drink as much as possible).

Do not forget that you have to take care of yourself too, not just your husband. When you are overwhelmed take a few minutes for yourself (as corny as it sounds I used to take 10-15 mins when I felt overwhelmed and find something on youtube that made me laugh, I know of others that go for a quick walk, or even yell into a pillow, call a friend to talk, or come post here even, etc)

I know your husband is still smoking have they tried anything to help him quit? My husband could not quit on his own he took Rx meds to help him.


CG to Chris
DX stage IV tonsil SCC HPV18/16+ T3N2bM0 5/12
PEG and 4 teeth out 7/12
RAD 35x, 3x cisplatin 8/12
treatment finish 10/12
PET clean and PEG removal 11/12
PET lung node 3/13
failed node removal 4/13
PET lung node 6/13
Lobectomy DX SCC lung new primary Stage I 7/13
CT clear 10/13
DX ORN 12/13
CT clear 1/14
Current list;
Dry mouth, dysphagia, nerve pain, ORN, spinal stenosis, dental caries, reflux, aspiration.