Hello Cheryl,

Thank you for asking. Yes, treatment has finished. Last one was Thursday. Can't believe it but we did it. It has been a rocky, exhausting and emotional ride. In the end I took control and still do.

Simon went through treatment without a peg. His teeth, jaw and gums are in good condition, skin no major damage apart from a cut behind the ear and ear lope, hearing ok.

He's lost 21kg since discovery of lump until now. As he was a big man he could afford to loose the weight. He doesn't eat, can't keep food down but manages supplements. Dehydration is still a problem as well constipation or diarrhoea, he's gagging a lot and of course having to deal with dry mouth and mucous build up.

They wanted him to come in 3x a week for the next fortnight for IV fluids to make sure he's dehydrated but he declined. Let's hope he manages to drink enough water.

Unfortunately, he hasn't managed to quit smoking �

Overall, I think we are doing much better than a few weeks or months ago. Also his mental health is slowly improving (he was put on anti depressants as well) and seeing the oncology psychologist is helping too.


Working caregiver of my husband (51) Simon

03/2014 oropharyngeal cancer, stage IVB, T2N3M0, HPV 16 +
04/2014 Neck dissection - 39 lymph nodes removed, one node positive greater than 6cm, tumour in tonsil reaching into soft palette
28/04/14 begin of treatment
33 x RADS 66 Gy, 33 x chemo cisplatin 13mg each
29/04/14. pick two lines
12/06/14 finished treatment
09/ 14 Pet scan clear