You have every right to feel the way you feel. I'm sorry, but your mother is being unreasonable and selfish, yes selfish and hurtful to you. My husband has been through hell with this dreaded disease. He is permanently on a PEG and when he talks people think he is drunk because of the surgery and this really hurts him. He was in pain during radiation and chemo and surgery and now he can't ever eat again. But, he never ever treated me the way your Mom is treating you. Is she getting some counseling, and are you getting counseling or at least going to a support group. There is help out there for you. Sometimes we have to be tough and let them know when they are being hurtful and when it is all too much for us. That is OK. I'm sorry, but this post really hit a nerve with me. My husband is fighting so desperately to survive. Now he is being tested next week for a spot in his lungs. I read about how your Mom is treating you and herself, and I just get angry. It is so unfair to you and your family. There is nothing fair about this disease anyway.

Caregiver to husband David, non smoker. Dx 1/06 SCC Base of Tongue Stage IV, neck nodes involved. Surgery/Chemo/Rad. Treatment finished 5/06. Waiting. Recurrence in lung, Aug07. 6 months Cisplatin/Erbitux. Spots shrinking after 3 Cisplatin tx.