You have so much on your plate...I think you are in the right place to let it out.
Taking care of my husband (and getting him to treatment daily),raising my kids and trying to stay on top of my business has had me in an constant state of exhaustion (and sometimes tears).
My situation feels like a cake walk compared to yours. You have added two more people into your home, you have a less than compliant patient and you have a preteen and a teen. (I have a 12 and 13 year old).
I have been attempting to make the summer "normal" for my kids and also trying to get them to help around the house a little more (the latter part isn't working so well). My husband has been very compliant as a patient (and, yet, seeing him suffering has been trying).
You have multitudes more going on in your environment...and, you just lost a relative to an accident. That's just so much.
I feel blessed that I have had an abundance of help from neighbors and friends. I'm wondering if you are not getting as much help because you are taking care of a parent vs. a spouse.
Although, if anyone is offering to help...with meals, lawn care, etc...don't turn it down, you need the help. (That was a hard revelation for me, but every bit of help has been so appreciated)
Do you have sisters or brothers who can help and give you a little break? Can your father handle getting your mom to treatments on days when you aren't consulting with her doctors?
We're reaching the home stretch and I am finally getting better at accepting and sometimes asking for help.
And, I just started to give myself an hour in the evening to walk. That has made a huge difference.
You are going through tough stuff. Please don't stop posting.