
What a tremendous amount of stress you are under, it seems more than one can shoulder alone.

I don't get the smoking thing, doesn't that hurt her mouth? How frustrating for you to witness that when you are trying so hard to get her better.

And, how incredibly sad that your cousin died over the weekend from the accident.

I'm so sorry things are difficult for you right now. Will send many prayers your way for you and your family!

C/G: Husband, 48 (at time of dx)
Dx 5/18/07 SCC, BOT, lymph node involvement. T1N2BM0. (Stage 4a, G2/3)
Tx 6/18 - 8/3/07, IMRT x 33 Cisplatin x3 (stopped after 1st dose due to hearing issues). Weekly Erbitux started 6/27/07 completed 8/6/07.