Went to see my mom at the cemetery this weekend, 4th visit since she passed, and its also the 4th time a butterfly has flitted around us during our visit. Sometimes I think it's my mom saying hi, sometimes I think it's just a butterfly.

I have my first therapy session today. I'm relieved to have someone to talk to and get some guidance on how to deal with this grief and trauma but also nervous about talking to a stranger and dredging up feelings that I know are going to hurt like hell frown

Amy CG to mom Janet - diag w/ early SCC 8/11-surg w/ rad neck dissect & graft from arm/thigh 9/11-evid in nodes tx 6 wks rads (5/wk) w/cistplatin (1/wk for 6 wks) began 11/11-wk or 2 break 12/11 due to severe side effects-done 1/12- 3/23/12 mets to liver lung bone-hospice 4/7/12-lost fight 4/22/12