Oh Aimlee, I had the same close relationship with my Mom too so I know exactly how you are feeling. I had a couple of interesting experiences that I believe my Mom made happen. The first was during her graveside service. We had bought a bunch of white balloons to release after the service. The balloons were tied tightly to a sprinkler head and right before the service started the wind kicked up, released the ballooons and they all floated up into the trees. We all laughed saying Mom was making sure we knew she was there. The first Mother's Day without her I had bought a balloon and went to her grave. I was sitting there crying and talking to her (holding the balloon). The next thing I know the wind kicks up and the balloon comes over and starts stroking my arm...gave me goose bumps. I even said "Mom are you here"? Sorry...I didn't mean to write a book. Keep praying Aimlee, big cyber hugs coming your way.



Caregiver to husband Ron. Throat Cancer. Finished 35 radiation treatments on 11/21/04. 8/2/11 small lesion on lower gum, laser Procedure to remove. 3/6/12 Doc. removed another lesion on outside of his neck. Did a skin graft from his chest to replace the skin on his neck. Went to Heaven on 6/24/12.