It's too bad your coworkers aren't helpful... So people just don't get it. But it's your friends and family who matter the most everyone else is unimportant at this time. Hugs you will finish this, by the end of June you might be okay. I was feeling okay around the end of June last year mind you I finished rads may 4 so I had a few weeks.

Cheryl : Irritation - 2004 BX: 6/2008 : Inflam. BX: 12/10, DX: 12/10 : SCC - LS tongue well dif. T2N1M0. 2/11 hemigloss + recon. : PND - 40 nodes - 39 clear. 3/11 - 5/11 IMRT 33 + cis x2, PEG 3/28/11 - 5/19/11 3 head, 2 chest scans - clear(fingers crossed) HPV-, No smoke, drink, or drugs, Vegan