Christine is right. You could get through the radiation and be back to life in a few months. Kevin went back to work the 5th of January. I never thought it would be that gast, but it was. He has a few side effects, but we are getting back to some normalcy.
If you don't do it, and chemo if they recommend it, there's probably a good chance you will battle this again. Look at it this way. If they have to cut more of your tongue out, that won't be good either.
You can do this. The benefits way out weigh the risks!! Go for it. We are here when you need to talk!! We've all been through it or cared for a loved one who went through it. We truly do know your thoughts and fears right now. But we are on the other side saying "jump in and wade through it!"

Kathy wife/caregiver to:
Kevin age:53
Dx 7/15/11
Non smoker, casual drinker
7/27/11 Cistplatin, taxotere,5FU 2/3week sessions, followed by IMRT 125cgy x 60 (2x daily) w/Erbitux weekly. Last rad 10/26/11. Last Erbitux 10/27/11
PEG placed 9/1/11 Removed 11/8/11
Clear PET 10/12 and 10/13 and ct in 6/14