Thanks Kathy. Most of the parents think age is a lunatic now because she told them I was on vacation and the parents look like they've been slapped in the face when I tell them no, I was actually battling cancer. The kids are the only redeeming factor of my job and some of their reactions to my returning have touched my heart in a way I'll never forget.
I've learned from all of this, on some level, that my time here could be up at any moment and life is fragile and I just need to be thankful for each moment I'm given and do my best to make the most of those moments. My battle with cancer has stripped away a lot of those life pretensions that rule so many people's life and I can't give my boss the power to steal even a fraction of those moments.
Like last night- my favorite band had a show locally and played/dedicated a song just for me and they came over and talked to me about all I was going thru and shared their own experiences. These are the kind of moments my life needs to be centered on. And you guys are all right. I can't lend her any of those moments.

Taking a break from the forum for a while. Thank you so much for your support if you've been supportive.