Hi Chris

Congratulations on being a 6 year survivor!! Wow, I am so inspired when I see or hear of survivors like you :-). And thank you for your advice, I certainly am looking at cancer as something I needed to experience in order to help others. As a nurse that has always been my motivation, but I am thinking that maybe I need to shift my career into something that involves this illness.

My treatment will begin in about 3 weeks. The radiologist wants my neck to heal a bit more before I undergo radiotherapy. Had a CT scan the other day which showed no signs of mets anywhere in my chest or abdomen..so relieved!! Even though the tx plan scares me, I am also looking at it as a gift from God to aid in my healing. Guess, its the old saying, 'no pain. no gain'!!

The people on this site are amazing...I really don't think I could've got through the early recurrence fear factor if I didn't have all these guys lifting my spirits up. And now, it looks like you will be involved in helping people on this site as well!! And you can bet that I will be asking heaps of questions regarding eating and pain management!! Not having taste buds is such a sad thing for me as I am such a foodie! Got to believe my taste will come back sooner or later.

It's nice to meet you Chris...keep up your good work and thanks again for your post. Have a lovely day :-)


SCC of the Buccal Mucosa (R cheek)- T1N0M0.10 hour Surgery on 27/9/10 involving resection with freeflap from radial forearm..clear margins. Neck dissection..negative nodes.Trachy, NGT, no rad or chemo needed at the time. Neck lump positive for SCC..again! MND 14/2/11. Waiting to have chemo and rads