Hi everyone

A you all know, I recently had ny 2nd neck dissection, this time a radical one. This was because cancer had returned despite my first surgery showing clear margins and negative nodes.

Well, my surgeon told me that this time they found 20 positive nodes and I nearly fainted. I have tried to remain optimistic and my surgeon is hopeful that radiation and chemo will work. Obviously, it is a very aggressive tumour and he mentioned that they want to treat me with conventional radiotherapy instead of IMRT. That scares me as I know the treatment is more aggressive as well.

I have tried so hard to remain positive but it seems like everytime I get up, something knocks me back down again. Every little pain in my body now terrifies me as I think maybe the cancer has spread...since the surgery, my chest feels tight and I sometimes have shortness of breath but I have to say that all the muscles around my chest are still tight from the op.

My question is has anyone had extensive lymph involvemnet in their journey with this disease? And how do I get my happy back? I feel very lost today..I have to climb back up before treatment starts as i need all the strenght and courage in the world for that.

Thanks for listening.


SCC of the Buccal Mucosa (R cheek)- T1N0M0.10 hour Surgery on 27/9/10 involving resection with freeflap from radial forearm..clear margins. Neck dissection..negative nodes.Trachy, NGT, no rad or chemo needed at the time. Neck lump positive for SCC..again! MND 14/2/11. Waiting to have chemo and rads