Hi Liza,
I'm new here. Don't worry about "getting your happy back" It'll come. I had tonsil cancer 6 years ago (stage 4) and survived. (4 yrs after open heart surgery) Been through the ringer. I'm glad for this site and wish I had known about it then. I will say that even though the experience was horrible at the time, the 100's of people (patients and families) I have been able to help through the Wellness Community and amoung clients and friends made it worth it. The changes in me as a man would not have happened nor could I have helped others as often had I not gone through the ordeal. I can honestly say that even though I hated the experience at the time, I would do it again.
You hang in there and if I can help in any way (like what you can try eating at different stages of the radiation and what to avoid, just ask. Big suggestion!!! Keep a journal maybe online in a blog. I really wish I had done that. Helping others through your experience will get that "happy" back faster than anything else. Right up there with hugs smile
Praying for you.
Take care,

Stage 4 squamous cell tonsil cancer. Two lymph nodes involved surgically removed before source found to be tonsil. Implant radiation right on tonsil, regular mask radiation therapy for two months and a final Implant radiation. All clear confirmed by PET scans for 6 years.