Hi all it's with an aching heart I'm telling you that my dad passed away yesterday :((( the lump under neck was cancer and had been getting worse and the tumour had a hole in it then two more lumps have developed over a week x dad hasn't been sleeping as he has been that worried and it was all playing on his mind and he became so scared he started seeing things frown it's been awful to watch his struggle but his mind just couldn't cope and he was so sleep deprived he just couldn't cope they had to sedate him but everhtime he woke up he was panicking and seeing things and so worried and scared so they had to sedate him x the doctor said they had to keep him sedated and if his air ways give in they couldn't ressusate because of the disease in his neck so they just kept him asleep till he took his last breathe at 1.15 yesterday :((( I'm absolutky heartbroken but I no he's at rest now ;( how awful to be that scared you can make your mind do things like that x I love him so much and I will miss him with all my heart xxxx

Father 60 years old
Diagnoised oc jan 15
Peg fitted 27/2/15
Full tongue glossectomy reconstruc surge ,
Lymph nodes and glands out 5/3/15
Rt 14/5/2015