Orr I thought dads saliva would dry up or at least not dribble it's so embarrassing for him when he's talking x he doesn't talk much to be honest x I think it effects more people than others frown x I hope tomorro goes ok I just hope they get it all this time cos radiation won't be used again x does anybody no how bad it is having a muscle put in the neck and skin graft are you able to still move it straight away I really don't no what to expect tomorro and it's playing on my mind the thought of seeing him when he waking up I wish I could run away for a little bit till he's ok :(( I would never do that but sometimes I can't cope with this image on my head like when I seen him after his glossectomy it broke my heart frown i hate seeing him like this I wish it would all go away :(( xxx

Father 60 years old
Diagnoised oc jan 15
Peg fitted 27/2/15
Full tongue glossectomy reconstruc surge ,
Lymph nodes and glands out 5/3/15
Rt 14/5/2015