Hi everyone he does have suction machine he rather spits it out in his way I'm hoping it does dry up so he's able to start taking as he does have quite good speech which is a major positive but he never opens his mouth at the moment even when he suctions it tends to come back straight away x di66 I'm hoping a lot more care with his radiation is coming because so far it's horrendous x my dad upped his feeds again today 3300 calories today ha he's determined to get back to 15 stone I'm hoping he can as he looks very frail at the moment only 12 stone x he's been outside today peeling his taxi driving stickers off his car which is brilliant because he's abit conscious of his face so I was proud if that :)) he seems very determined at the moment and I'm very shocked how well he's doing x I wish he didn't have to go through this radiation as it's going to put him back xx thankyou everyone for taking the time to answer me hope your all well xx

Father 60 years old
Diagnoised oc jan 15
Peg fitted 27/2/15
Full tongue glossectomy reconstruc surge ,
Lymph nodes and glands out 5/3/15
Rt 14/5/2015