Been to dads today he struggling with his feeds now they keep coming back up his throat ? He's just started donperidone so hoping that works x he had his last feed at 7 last night and it woke him up at 4 this morning so it must be sitting in his belly x but if it's true what they say and fluid going in his lungs surely the food will be if it coming up and going down again x he spits most out but a bit must be going down x is there any good medication I should ask for x also will the radiation doctors give him cream for when his skin gets sore because he's told me to get some e45 cream surely they will have something better xx

Father 60 years old
Diagnoised oc jan 15
Peg fitted 27/2/15
Full tongue glossectomy reconstruc surge ,
Lymph nodes and glands out 5/3/15
Rt 14/5/2015