
Just started reading your posting today and I agree with the others about going to a CCC. Even if you get a all clear, the agressiveness of this cancer needs to be factored in, too. My sister had 4 surgeries, each time resulting in clear margins, but it did spread. So stay on top of it be sure to go to a CCC for a second opinion by a team of doctors. My sister did not see an radioligist or oncologist until the very end, even though it had been recommended after the second surgery. She thought this cancer could be controlled by surgery alone, and in some cases that is true. Wasn't in hers. You are young with a family, be sure to demand the best care possible.

Hope the appointment goes well on the 20th...just be sure to stay on top of things.

My best to you,


Caregiver to sister Connie, dx 2005, scc tongue, 4 surgeries inc. radical left side neck dissection 7/06, 35 IMRT, and 7 cisplatin 2/07, passed away 8-11-07, 51 yrs. young, fought with courage, strength and grace, found peace on her new journey.