Dear Angelia-God bless you and all you have been through...I hope this new year brings only blessings for you. I read your post and it sounds so familiar. I have had problems for over a year now...seen all kinds of Drs. and hear the same thing...don't worry about it, it's nothing...I finally had a biopsy by ENT in Sept. for bumps on my tongue(it came back HPV),I've had a sore throat since last April...I've been back to the ENT who says "don't worry about it", even though my throat looks worse. I've had so many antibiotics, etc. nothing helps. I see you're in OK, I'm in MO. I'm a nurse so I'm really getting frustrated with the care(lack of),as everyday I feel worse. I hope all is well for you and that you're healing continues! thanks for listening! Melinda