Oral cancer can be extremely aggressive and you really need to get a second opinion from a Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has designated accredited CCC's in most states and these provide a multidisciplinary team approach to diagnosis and treatment:

The American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (CoC) has accredited CCC's in many major hospitals and clinics which also follow a multidisciplinary team approach:

For Oral Cancer, the odds are that a NCI designated center is better equipped to diagnose and treat the cancer, but in some metro areas the CoC accredited mega HMO/Hospital based CCC's are equally capable - often more so.

In either case you need to find an accredited CCC with a team that routinely deals with a significant number or Oral Cancer patients.

TXN2bM0 Stage IVa SCC-Occult Primary
FNA 6/6/08-SCC in node<2cm
PET/CT 6/19/08-SCC in 2nd node<1cm
HiRes CT 6/21/08
Exploratory,Tonsillectomy(benign),Right SND 6/23/08
PEG 7/3/08-11/6/08
35 TomoTherapy 7/16/08-9/04/08 No Chemo
Clear PET/CT 11/15/08, 5/15/09, 5/28/10, 7/8/11