I am a special education teacher. I love my job and would not be able to survive if I didn't have it. The school has been very good to me through this whole ordeal. We have had meals brought to us almost everyday. I have two more weeks until school is out for the summer. I meet with my ENT next Wednesay for a check-up. I have whole list of questions to ask, and my mother does also. She is emailing me all her questions this weekend so I can ask the Dr. as well. I also find that I have so many questiosn spinning through my head I do not even know how to get them out. I do have two grandfathers that are a cancer survivors. I do take comfort in that. The worst thing so far is that I also had strep throat three days after surgery. I caught it from my 6 year old. I wa snot even thinking stay away from him before surgery. I went into mommy mode and wanted to make sure he was okay. This has been the hardest part of the whole thing is that I have not been able to play and talk to my kidds for very long periods of time. I am sorry if I am writing a lot, but I have just now had time to sit down process and am still processing all this.
Too answer someone elses questions my ENT said it was a stage 1 and that my frozen sections came back clean, whatever all that means. Thanks.

31 at Dx.
DX: 4/30/09, 10/21/09 SCC on floor of mouth,
TX: 39 IMRT, 8 cisplatin 11/30/09
PET/CT: 11/03/09: Lymph node involvement
PEG/PORT: 11/09
TX end: 02/01/10
PET Scan: 04/05/10 clear
PEG Out: 06/21/10
Biopsy: 12/23/10: fibrosis
HBO: 01/04/11 - ORN
Baby girl born 11-30-12