
Run, do not walk to the nearest cancer center!!!

Get a slide of the biopsy and a hard copy of the biopsy report, copy of the CT scan and report. You may also get a copy of the CT pictures. (I did this with my PET scan). Take all this to a cancer center.

What you need is a staging of the cancer (Stage: Tumor,lymph nodes, metastis) This info can be obtained (1) biopsy report and (2)PET scan. Studies have shown that a PET scan is the best way(other than a biopsy)to confirm a cancer. The PET scan will be able to tell you if there are cancer cells remaining.

Explanation: Cancer loves sugar and absorbs more than healthy cells. The PET scan reads the UPTAKE of sugar. The amount of cancer activity called hypermetabolic activity is measured at a SUV reading: 0-15/20 shows the amount of activity in an area. The PET scan should also give you a measurement of the tumor.

Staging will determine other treatments: radiation and/or chemo.
Hopefully, it is in an early stage and will only need surgery.

BTW: I'm only another patient, but I think that a oral surgen will be able to repair your tongue.

I'll keep you in my prayers. Personally, I wouldn't wait 6-8 weeks.
No need to panic, but the sooner, the better.

Last edited by SandySt.; 05-12-2009 07:37 PM.

Sandy 56, BOT SCC Biopsy 1/21/09 Stage 3, T3NXM0.
Finished 3 cycle induction chemotherapy 4/7/09. (Chisplatin, 5-fu and Texotere). Re-staged 4/20/09,(very successful.) Will start Carboplatin/radiation 2 Gy/5 days/7 weeks (Tomotherapy) starting May 4th. Finished 6/22/09.
OCF member/supporter