Dear Minnie's family

Sincere condolences to you all.

I am quite simply devastated by this news. Minnie was the first person to welcome me to this board a few weeks after I was diagnosed. She was such a support to me as we travelled our paths. Sent me nutritious recipes for a dry mouth and shared some of her lifestyle with me. She was obviously a woman of great compassion.

I kept these words which Minnie wrote on this board because they are so wise and relevant to those who live with cancer:

"...If anything, I want to inspire people on here, I want to help people feel power and help people know that there ARE things to be done to save our lives that we NEVER have to just say "well, this is it" and accept dying as our only choice. If I have 10 days or 10 years left is unknown. What I DO know is that I have the power to live them and respond to them in MY way. All that control is mine and I love that. It truly is a matter of living in the moment, a long lesson for me but such a valuable one. When I start to feel stressed or anxious, I go outside and take a deep, long breath of air. Then I look around for a few minutes and realize that beyond that exact moment, I have no control.....but that I DO have control of right then. So I enjoy it, walk back in the house, and resume my daily duties...."[/quote]

Rest in peace Minnie, you are greatly loved.

RHTonsil SCC Stage IV tx completed May 03