Oh Donna, bless your heart! Don't feel guilty, because, if you do, I will have to! LOL

We do the best we can. We love these people, and expect them to be there for us forever, and then something like this disease compromises our expectations.

It's nobody's fault......I choose to believe that all our experiences in this life are only lessons that we need to learn to expand our soul. Granted, this lesson is horrible. But, we learn so much from one another as a result.

Can you imagine life without the people on this board, even if we met for this specific nightmare? I know it has given me so much faith in the human heart. I can honestly feel the love radiating from these wonderful people. And the support I get from all of you.......it ripples into my life, and I know my children are better people because I've found you all.

I watch Dennis sleeping, and I can't believe that this is the person I'm now married too. I find myself daydreaming about that boyfriend who wanted to someday marry, and I turned him down. Is it a diversion? Oh, hell yeah........but, I know, that this is where I'm supposed to be.

It's normal to be upset, scared, mad, ......MAD! It's normal to feel slighted. You have every right to ask "why"? You are just like all the rest of us. Trying to find the just in this life.

Donna, hang in there babe. You are not alone. I know I'm going through the same feelings you are, and would love to talk anytime you feel up to it.

In the meantime, know that you are never alone, and there are people here who love and understand every emotion you are experiencing.


Stage III tonsil, Dx 8/14/2002,chemo and rad...reoccurance 8/3/07,Base of Tongue,vocal cords,stage IVA,total larynectomy and glossectomy 9/4/07 with pec flap...reoccurance Nov. '08 and Feb. '09 (positive margins remained after each operation) Second pec flap May 7, 2009. Still positive margins.