Hi Minnie,
SO nice to hear from you, I think about you often. Thanks for your thoughts and sharing so much. I still feel like a heel for complaining, but it was building so much inside. I have let my dad take over quite a bit, the lymphedema treatments mainly. He and my mom have a wonderful relationship-even during this crisis, you can see that they need each other to get through it. There seems to be a tag team effort between my dad and i that seems to work out nicely, without having to say too much. Today I woke up sick as a dog! I have the same stomache bug my little one Jessie has. I was unable to do anything all day and even now I feel iffy. Dad cancelled his work appts and ended up having to take my older daughter to school, her bus came 7 mins early. He then came back adn drove my mom into Philly for her appt. He never complained. He is such a wonderful man. I admire my parents relationship. My mom has never been needy before-ever. She's so frightened, it's sad. I think that may be whats wrong with me too, I am frightened. My kids are changing, Jackie wants to be out of the house as much as she can-which scares me, she's just under 18, my younger Jess is either ok, or glued to my side.
I can't believe I let loose on everything inside, but it did help.
I think I am just tired. Being sick hasn't helped but I did see mom trying to help me-bringing me tea, checking on me, and then seeing me up she would break down again. It's an awful ride. I can't wait till she feels better again. she was doing so well after rad/chemo, prior to brachy and left neck dissection. Oh well, it is what it is. I think tomorrow I may call Fr. Mike and see if he can come over for a visit--have never asked him to the house but think he would do it for me. He is an incredible man. How are yo feeling?
Thanks. Did you get your phone call yet? (e-mail)
And Jim-
Give it time, maybe she'll be back. Good luck tomorrow, let us know what comes of your appt.

CG to Mom, dx 4/25/07 with tongue cancer,T3N0,tx began 7/6/07, 31 tx's of IMRT, 8 cycles of Erbitux. Brachytherapy, surgery, left neck dissection and temp trach placed all on 9/17/07, trach removed 10/17/07. ORN of jaw, late effect of radiation symptoms. **lost my beautiful mother on 5/5/11.