Hi Donna: I just e mailed you and am so sorry for it!! I should have read your entry first!! You are going through a lot with your mom. I am 68 so a few years older than her. Divorced about 20 years ago but my 25 year old granddaughter lives with me and my youngest son just across the street. Both very supportive. Plus I still work. Sounds like your mom is depressed- try setting some simple goals with her so she can put her mind on something else, also let her do all she can for herself before you step in. I know my first time around I had to get on my feet quick and keep working, I had no choice. This time I can afford not to work but am going to try to continue after my treatment. Reading your entry answered one of my questions that I had about the burned tongue. Sounds like she is having the worse of it. Maybe the brac treatnebt is worse that the daily rad treatments. As for you - stay strong and don't be afraid to ask for help and support. Dont't feel guilty about your feelings, I have worked with the elderly for years and see families go through this quite often. Do something for yourself. We have caregiver support groups here in Flint, maybe a group like that would help. Remember if you don't take care of yourself you can't be there to take care of your mom. Venting your feelings is a good way to release your anxiety and fears. God bless you and your family.
