Donna---vent, vent and double-vent!--As often as you need and want!
Caregiving must be the hardest job i the world, and for those who 'had' a normal life with friends, family, work it must be so much harder!

I hyave done so many 'new normals' in the last 5 years, from caring for mum, then dad, then semi-retiring, then cancer--they're different, some ways not so good as they were--who wants to lose a much-loved mum and dad??--but there IS a sense of achievement.

I had the same 'caring' problems with my siblings--one of whom lived just 20 mins away from my dad--and NEVER improved her attitude, in spite of my hinting, pleading, complaining.
When dad died, I left the hospital and said 'Get on with it, my job is over'--and felt a real cow, but was SO exhausted after 3 years of non-stop worry and care. I left ALL practicalities to her and her husband--I'd done everything 'alone'!!

Resentment and depression and 'if only' are usual--3 Christmases, I stayed at dad's and entertained his friends--my life was literally 'on-hold' and I know, pleased as I was to be there for dad, I could have done with a life for myself!!

Get to your doc and get some anti-depressants!
In the US, can you get counselling without having to pay for it??
We have MacMillan nurses here who support the whole family, not just the patient and centres where we can just literally 'drop-in' for tea/coffee and biscuits and cry or moan.

Do NOT feel inadequate, accept life sucks at the moment and sure doesn't like getting better any time soon--get some help for YOU!

We aint incredible on here--we're here because we NEED somewhere to go where we can ramble/moan/find comfort---so do it lady!!!

Love Bren x

Brenda in UK--Diagnosis 30/5/07--undifferentiated carcinoma in right jawbone and muscles. Stage 4
6/7/07--new diagnosis primary is in lung. Finished 4cycles of palliative carboplatin/gemcitabine
therapy September 07
Now dying to live!