Hi all --

Just a quick update -- Barry's still holding up well, back of his throat is pretty red and irritated but no open sores -- the major concern is the thrush which gets worse for a while (and then causes more pain on swallowing) and then wanes -- he's using nystatin and diflucan to keep it under control. Rest of his oral cavity is good and the RO showed us his lateral plan to indicate that most of his jaw and all of his teeth are out of the high radiation field, which is probably why he's had very little gum, cheek or tongue soreness. His skin is remarkably good which I think is due to his aloe pre-conditioning and careful 3x/day treatments with aloe and Biafine. Of course he is tired and tries to rest in the afternoon. He's still eating by mouth, lost about 2 pounds last week but is still above his weight at DX.

We are both very very happy that there are only 11 more rad treatments and 2 chemo to go, hope things continue to be bearable. Soon he will be in the single digits 9..8...7..etc! YAY!


CG to husband Barry, dx. 7/21/05, age 66, SCC rgt. tonsil, BOT, 2 nodes (stg. IV), HPV+, tonsillectomy, 7x carboplatin, 35x tomoTherapy IMRT w/ Ethyol @ Johns Hopkins, thru treatment 9/28/05, HPV vaccine trial 12/06-present. Looking good!