Hi all --

TGIF! Barry went through 8th treatment today, he didn't take the amiphostine -- was all prepped (hydrated, Zofran) and our nurse came in with the shots, and checked him out. She didn't like the fact he had a reddish area around yesterday's injection (she didn't do it, another nurse did, and -- for the first time -- Barry said it "hurt" -- it was given on his upper arm and not in the fatty area which our nurse prefers). She felt that this indicated a mild skin reaction which, if it becomes widespread, means the drug has to be stopped. She also said she's seen these small reactions never amount to anything -- but after some deliberation we all decided, what with a weekend on hand it would be better to skip a day and do it Monday (assuming the red area went away) when he would be seeing Dr. and nurse. He's getting pretty good parotid-sparing with the tomo and the Ethyol is just a "boost" so not as essential as it might be with less targeted radiation.

So toss one Zofran and 2 Ethyol sticks -- heck, it's only $$!

But without the amiphostine Barry had none of the mild "off" feeling which seems to accompany the drug for him, and was able to go to Hopkins cafe and get an excellent lunch.

Our nurse weighed him and he seemed to be down 3 pounds from yesterday, which none of us could fathom -- so I got on the scale and it read -- 3 pounds low (hey, I *like* this scale!) -- I weighed him at home and he is same weight on our scale as yesterday. So holding his own. Mouth OK as well but he thinks it does feel more "puffy" inside so we are waiting for that mucositis shoe to drop...

Did discuss pain plans and scripts today -- thanks to all for suggestions.

Have a great weekend,
Gail and Barry

CG to husband Barry, dx. 7/21/05, age 66, SCC rgt. tonsil, BOT, 2 nodes (stg. IV), HPV+, tonsillectomy, 7x carboplatin, 35x tomoTherapy IMRT w/ Ethyol @ Johns Hopkins, thru treatment 9/28/05, HPV vaccine trial 12/06-present. Looking good!