
I was never upbeat during my treatments. I was determined to beat this thing. I was determined to do anything I could to win this battle. And that is what radiation is. It's a battle. Each day, each treatment. Win enough battles and you win the war. If going through radiation is what it took, I was going to do it. I was not going to let cancer dictate who I was or take control of my life. I knew that the radiation would give me the best chance at living. And isn't that what it's all about? The pain and discomfort was a small price to pay.

Let him know that many before him have gone through the same ordeal. Remember that it's always darkest before the dawn.



SCC base of tongue. Diagnosed as stage IV, Sept. '04. Partial glossectomy, Radical neck dissection left side, 37 Radiation sessions, Chemo x 7 weeks. Finished treatments January '05. Cancer surivor!