Thank you for all your responses. I don't think it is the ethyol that is getting to him, although he did develop a rash from it. It is his not being able to taste anything that is driving him crazy. He is getting tired a forcing food down and he refuses to get a feeding tube. I think not being able to taste food is the worst for him. He has always loved to eat! When I got home from work last night, he seemed to be in a better mood. I was able to get some soup in him and a milkshake. Thank you Marcia for the phone number. I will give it to Leon and hope that he uses it. You and your husband are very kind. Leon doesn't have much of a support system beside me and my family. By the way I changed my pm. Not quite sure what I was doing when I set it up.

Rhonda - Caregiver to husband Leon. Diagnosed with SCC of right tonsil, 1 lymph node. Right tonsilectomy 10/3/05 - Right neck dissectomy 10/12/05, completed 39 IMRT treatments 2/23/06.