Never thought of myself as upbeat during treatment ~ I was just soooo BORED! Bored of the tube, bored of the day after day treatment, bored of being tired/sick/chemo-pukation, oh so bored of the everything & anything having 2 do w/cancer. bleh! A cancer patient is the lousiest of jobs to have. I mostly disctracted myself w/video games. Cool that he's gotta a driver. I took my sorry butt there every freakin' day (expect 2 when post chemo made me massively ill every hour on the boring hour).

I'm a 2.5 year survivor & I can taste & I've got the salvia 2 do it w/o the amifostine treatments & no IMRT either. Maybe he needs to speak w/a counselor 2 help him find that grit 2 hang-on & come out fighting.

Dig.7/03 3cm+ lymph nodes & base of tongue tumor. Radical neck dissection w/removal of one neck muscle, laser removal of tumor. 47 sessions of radiation, 2 doses of Cisplatin & PEG tube 40yrs old non-smoker/drinker