My dad was just told last Thursday that it appears his cancer is back....I was so "pissed" is the word for it. I was the encourager for both my Dad and my Mom. They seen the dissapointment I felt and it made them worry and really upset. I know it's hard but encourage him. It's hard but, do not let him see it in you. You could be the only thing holding him together. I got together with my sister n' laws this weekend and just flipped out. It made me feel better. I'm ready to face this crap again. Have him read the postings. I started reading them to my mom and it's helped her alot. She sees that my Dad isn't the only one going though all of this. Sometimes they just get their strength from us....

Caregiver to Dad SCC Stage III T2N1M0 left hard & soft palate, left Node Dx 8/17/05, Neck Dissection 9/6/05 clear margins, Rx 30 ended 11/9/05, Still not cancer free. + path, agressive, upcoming chemo