((((((Hugs))))))) to you Christine and Kristen. You have been rocks for me in this. I've told people that it's interesting that survivors are helping carry me along in this journey but then, it shouldn't surprise me as you know every step that is ahead in many ways.

Today, i posted on my husbands private fb page a picture I took. There are puzzles set up at the cancer center. I love building puzzles...it helps me relax in stressful times. Well, there had been this hard huge puzzle sitting there for over 6 months according to other patients and no one would build it. It was horrible and I'm really good at puzzles. Since husband had to get that IV the other day, I had 4 hours to sit and finish that darn thing. Now we have 2 easier puzzles of just 300 pieces sitting out! I names myself puzzle director! I came in today and someone was so happily sitting down and building a puzzle while he waited for his appointment. It made my heart sing. I will be bringing some cat puzzles in next week!. I posted on the private fb group the things i have seen that ill patients and their caregivers can appreciate.

Someone donated some LuLarue pants for patients/caregivers. I've heard they feel like butter on the body. How thoughtful!

The cancer center has a healing garden. They grow a lot of herbs/vegetables and the nurses go out daily to pick the stuff ready to harvest, bag it up in serving sizes and label it. There is also a long table of fruit that a local grocery store donates. I"m quite impressed with the Mercy Hospital system and trying to teach people better how they can help.

Next...my friend convinced me to meet with husband's co-worker to set up a schedule for driving 2 days a week. After my meltdown, I realized we are just getting started in this and I will burn out despite how strong I am. I told him to drive himself Thursday and Friday. He is capable. Next week is chemo #2 and he will be hospitalized. I will drive the rest of next week but starting week 5, I'm enlisting help. I don't want anyone to have to deal with someone throwing up on the 2 hour drive....they probably will never offer again!

Spouse of 58 yr old with BOT cancer
Stage 4a HPV16 positive
3 chemo treatments cisplantin
35 radiation treatments 7000 cGy
former smoker/chewed tobacco for 38 yrs.
1/2020 diagnosed with cancer near TMJ
4/2020 chemo 5 days every 2 weeks
6/2020 proton therapy
9/21/2020 cancer free