I know I keep saying it, but I want to thank everyone for their support. Sorry not to message back sooner. We had a lovely case of the flu this weekend - I know and perfect timing, since he goes in on Monday to meet with the tumor board and have all his pre-surgical tests done. He started not feeling well Saturday night and by Sunday had a fever and hot/cold sweats. I urged him to go to a prompt care, but having bad past experiences he did not. Luckely yesterday he started to feel better and today looks to be on the mend with no fever, and appitite back.

I was concerned it was not the flu and a possible infection since his tongue is bleeding. However, I ended up sick too with the same temp hot/cold. I had a little melt down with all of this. Feeling sick and trying to take care of someone else is a lot and he already feels crappy, so this did not help the attitude.

Anyways, I hope this does not push his surgery back....that would be devistating. I myself went from still feeling crappy yesterday to up and about at work today. So, I am hoping this means he is on the mend. And that by Monday he is back to full speed and is feeling as best he can.

The aloe juice is a great suggestioin - he is having issues with going to the bathroom and has been taking meds to help but anything extra is helpful.

I have a conversation the other night with a friend who happens to be a dentist and trama surgeon in the army. I told him everything that is going on and he said he had full confidence that this surgery would be a good option and to trust his surgeon when she says she can give him a good quality of life with speech and swallowing therapy. He asked if I have done a lot of research on his diagnosis - I said yes, and knowing me he said - do not get to much wrapped up in the statistics (they are scary) that everyone is their own case and the surgeon would not be doing this surgery if she did not think it could be his best option and a sucess. It really put my mind at easy.

Thankfully his mother has come to stay and help with his care both now and post opp. I really needed some help because I will still have to work and he will need someone to be with him during the day. As for nights I intend on staying with him while he is in the hospital. I think it is important to always have a advocate with him.

His current state is that he want to get this over with and get going. He is scared of this surgery but he knows this is what he has to do.

I hope to have a relaxing weekend and get him to the best physical state as possible by his surgery ( I do not see this has being hard now that he is feeling better)

Thank you all again. I need teh encouragment at times, because I live far away from my close friends and mother. Danielle

Loving Caregiver for my boyfriend

3/14 SCC L tongue, partial glossectomy L tongue, rads L nodes
12/14 Recur Stage III
2/15 Front of tongue glossectomy, ND w/ free flap
4/15 begin 8 wks rads/3x chemo
4/20/15 Steve passed away