Thank you everyone for the amazing responces! Each one has been so helpful and informational. Yes,we are fortunate to have Moffitt in our backyard. Eveything I have read about Dr. Otto has been outstanding! She had a fabulous bedside manner with him. She explained the procedure and the reason we had to wait to have the surgery is because it is a all day long surgery and she will be working with two other surgions - one her partner and one a plastic surgeon. She was surprised by his shocked response to this news, and I exlained that he was told robotic surgery and this is obviously a lot more invasive. She had a social worker come in and talk to us. He really wanted nothing to do with her - poor girl - He really only talks to me about how he is feelng and his fears. I have to prompt him to talk about it. He is just very stubborn in general. However, Moffitt will do phyc therapy as long as he is an active patient with them. I will be calling to get it setup. Yes,his Dr knows he can be there witin a hour if they have a cancellation. She said do to his age and health he would be at the top of her list if a cancellation happens

As far as eating he has so little weight to lose. He is 6 foot and 170-165 - he lost 30lbs the first time, and just gained it back recently. His appitite has gone down - I think in part to the pain meds. Plus with his tumor open and sore - it hurt to eat a lot of foods. I have made tons of mac and cheese, soft tacos, chicken,eggs,bacon and stuffing - he is also a picky eater but when he does eat he eats a lot. I got him boost,but it is like pulling teeth to get him to drink it. i make sure we have tons of ice cream in the house and always bring home milkshakes - which he loves! I actually asked him if he wants me to bang my head against the wall. At the very least he must be ok with me gaining 10 lbs since diagnosis trying to cook fattening foods for him.

I realized not keeping him busy adds to him being depressed. We will be taking a little getaway to Universal this weekend. Hard to be depressed in an amusement park!

Has anyone here done research on vitamins that help doing this process? Maybe with energy? Also, I did some research on anti-cancer diets - no sugar, carbs,lots of fruits-veggies and proten. It says it can help to stop the tumor growth. I have no idea how I could even accomplish that with him and his picky appitite as its.

Thaks - Danielle

Loving Caregiver for my boyfriend

3/14 SCC L tongue, partial glossectomy L tongue, rads L nodes
12/14 Recur Stage III
2/15 Front of tongue glossectomy, ND w/ free flap
4/15 begin 8 wks rads/3x chemo
4/20/15 Steve passed away