Yes, 16 more days to go. He is worried now because he is in pain, and it is being increasingly harder to eat and talk and the waiting is taking a toll on his body and mind. He was diagnosted only 5 weeks ago, and the transformation in his appearance and health is very noticable. His face is sunken in a bit, skin pailer, and circles around his eyes. His energy level is very low ( he usually goes to bed between 7-8), he said the tumor gets bigger everyday. It is hard to chew without biting his tongue. It is amazing how fast this tumor has grown and how fast it has effected his health in so many ways.

Waiting another two weeks is so scary to see what kind of changes to his current condition those weeks will make. I have to trust his Dr in that she said the time till his surgery will not effect her approach to his surgery (my thinking is that based on where the tumor is middle of the tongue and its rate of growth that she is thinking of taking a great deal of it, if not all of it already) and she had great hope of curing him, but it still weighs on me that he has something in his body trying to take over and kill him.

I cannot thank everyone enough for sharing their experience and all the well wishes. I have read them or passed them on to him, and I. I had to give him a cheer up and stop thinking the worst speach last week. I explained to him that from all the post I have read, many people have recovered and went on to live their lives with some adjustments. I told him he has to stay positive and do what is best at the moment for his body - keeping eating (esp high protein foods), get rest (if your body is saying sleep - then sleep), and try to stress less about everything - driving, work, house stuff.

I guess for both of us this diagnosis is a hard one to take. He just thought he had beaten this horrible disease and I still healing from loosing my father two years ago to agressive pancreatic cander. I guess that is life...neither of us thought that this would be where we are two months ago, and all of our future plans are on hold till we beat this, again.

Thank you all again - Danielle

Loving Caregiver for my boyfriend

3/14 SCC L tongue, partial glossectomy L tongue, rads L nodes
12/14 Recur Stage III
2/15 Front of tongue glossectomy, ND w/ free flap
4/15 begin 8 wks rads/3x chemo
4/20/15 Steve passed away