Thank you everyone again for the great responses. We went away for the weekend to Universal in Orlando. He pushed thru the fatigue he has been experiencing (it gets worse each week) and we had a great time riding rides. He even smiled a few times, something I have not witnessed for a month now. My goal is to keep him busy each weekend. During the week he is exhausted after work. It is becoming harder for him to talk. At the moment it sounds like he is talking with food in his mouth. His surgery is still 17 days away. I just hope he can handle the symptoms till then � pain, fatigue, and increased issues with eating and talking. It amazes me that in the last month how much he has declined from everything was normal to how he is now.
His tumor is getting larger and his pain level is increasing each day. He is having difficulty eating � his tongue is very sensitive and swollen. He bites it when chewing at times. I did make a big pot of chicken soup yesterday filled with a ton of vegetables, he liked it a lot and I have been keeping a cream pie, ice cream or cheesecake at all times in the house. He cannot say no to those so it helps keep his cal intake. He has also been drinking boost each day.
KJB � Thank you for the information. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost my father 2 years ago after a short and very hard fought battle with pancreatic cancer. He was given 6 months at diagnosis and died exactly 6 months later. I think he would have lived longer, but the chemo they had him on was just too much for his body to take. Being back at a cancer center brings back all those old feelings �scared, anxious and sadness. I know my fathers case was hopeless from the start, but I know Steve can overcome this��it is just going to be a hard road ahead.
I did notice something this weekend � no matter how much he brushes his teeth his breath is starting to constantly smell bad. Anyone else notice this issue?