I think a lot of it has to do with the fact the tongue has ulcerated and is bleeding and because of the location it is probably very hard to heal. When we did see the Dr two weeks ago, she said he would keep experiencing the side effects of the tumor - increased pain, swelling, possible weight loss, and all around being tired. She said it is because the tumor is using cals and energy too. It does not help that he has a very high matabolisim and since he was a child pain meds wear off very fast on him. Even his dentist said they have never used so much novicain on a person till they had time, because it wears off so fast. I have to say some days are better then others. I also think a lot has to do from a combination of anxity/depression and in general being scared. All of that takes a lot of energy from him, and effects from the pain killers. they add to him being so tired, but he needs them.
The Dr. is aware his pain level has gone up, because she wrote him a new stronger pain med just this week. We are scheduled to see her again, and the rest of his surgical team on the 16th for his pre surgical consult and labs.
From what I have read on here it seems like the waiting is par for the course. His surgery requires two surgeons and a plastic surgeon and is a all day surgery. Dr. Otto said it is very hard to fit it in to everyone's schedule and OR room reservation on top. She said if she thought the wait time would put him at risk she would refer him to MD Anderson or another CCC hospital that could get him in early, but she felt this was not the case. Fingers crossed.