Collen, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. I know its not easy for anyone right now. Im sure your husband feels lousy and you have to be getting frustrated with his stubbornness and lack of dedication to following instructions. If you arent annoyed, then you are a saint! Being a caregiver sure is one heck of a difficult job! But you do it very well
One caregiver here got so annoyed with their patient they told them either you listen to the doctor or I wont help you anymore as there isnt anything I can do. That was all it took for their patient to snap out of their funk and get with the program.
Honestly, if your husband would give you just 3 days to turn him around and take in the proper amount of formula and water he would feel so much better. Please ask him to give it a try and if he doesnt feel any better then he can continue with his own plans of only 2 out of 6 cans.
He can also still get hydrated which will help him too, get the doc to write a prescription for at least 2x a week to get hydrated. That will help make a big difference.
Hang in there, he is almost out of the tunnel and very soon he will begin to start having some better days. Sooner if he would comply with the proper intake but that is his choice.