In my experiences (more so with my 20 years of MS than with my short time with Cancer) her reaction is more the norm than the exception. It's always seemed to me that it's harder to be the caregiver than the one who is sick. I don't think you guys truly realize how exceptional you are--and that just makes you more exceptional-because you are doing it because "that is just what you do" it sucks, it's not pretty--but, you do it anyway.

I've had almost everyone "important" crap out on me when I've gotten sick--including both my sisters. I sent this link to them when I was diagnosed and neither one of them even bothered to acknowledge that they recieved it. My husband who has been awesome throughout all the MS stuff over the years went DEEP into Denial land when I was DX'd with the cancer and partially crapped out on me--which was the real reason I went to my mother's house for the two weeks after my surgery--because she is the only one who has NEVER crapped out on me. All of the above have been "unable to handle it because they love me so much" and I used to be more compassionate for them. My response now is that it must be nice to have the luxury of choice. I don't have a choice, I HAVE to handle it. In my more irreverant moments (most of the time) my response is "well, please, don't love me so much" LOL

But anyway, all of this is to make a point--the caregivers on here--you have a strength and courage that the average person just doesn't have--remember...
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
~Ambrose Redmoon~


Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.
~ Author Unknown ~

A TRUE hero, is an ordinary person, who does extraordinary things.

You my friends, are all true heroes.
Be well,

SCC, R Lateral tongue, T1N0M0, Diag: 3/15/10
38 yrs old at diag HPV Neg, Non Smoker Non Drinker
4/12/10 Partial Glossectomy, No Rads or Chemo
7/15/10 excision biopsy L mid posterior tongue - NEGATIVE