Anne Marie, First of all thanks for finding the positive in my post, i dont always feel positive but i try! If he starts loosing to much weight fast ( 5ibs. ) a week, get the tube, plus it helps with getting the nutrition and liquids you need, which makes you heal so much faster. It is not painful at all to get put in nor is it painful to have it taken out. If i had to do this all over again, i would ask for one the first day of Rad. The sleeping is normal, i slept for the first week out, then took 2-3 naps a day for the second week, it kicks your butt worse after the treatment, than during! I also would like something one day and not the next, in fact im still like that and its been almost 3 months out (and i still dont have my taste buds back totally) its just going to take time, you will see the improvement he makes everyday, just be "Mom" that has to be the greatest gift of encouragement there is, to have your mom by your side...good luck and let us know if there is anything we can help you with. Merry Christmas and let your son know we are pulling for him. laugh by the way, what is his name?