Hi Everyone;
A couple comments and questions. I had a neck dissection in February and then had reccurence found in July. Just finished Radiation and chemo just about 4 weeks ago. The mucus has improved dramatically over the last week or so and I am tking a little bit by mouth now (combined with a lot of water when I do eat a little). My throat is still very irritated and sore and I have numerous "ulcers" in my mouth. Some go and new ones come. Dr.'s say I'm getting along well though. These ulcers scare me though, especially the one's that are right around the scare tissue from my surgery. Is anyone else experiencing these sores and for how long? It almost sounds like eating actually may hinder healing process. A few of you mention Carnation VHC. What is VHC and where do you get it? I learned the hard way at the worst time in treatment (just as I started getting the sores) that I was allergic to the soy products and they would come back up the minute I put them in the tube. OUCH! So I have been on Carnation Instant Breakfast, but it doesn't have the calories you all are talking about. My Dr. didn't give me the lidocaine but had me mix the water - 1 gallon drinking water and 1 tablespoon each salt and baking soda. When I first tried, it really burnt too bad, but about two weeks out it really started making a difference. As Mary stated it really does help, just stay with it.

SCC right side BOT/FOM; DX 1-25-06; Neck dissection/25% of tongue removed 2-17-06. Stage 2 Recurrence 7-06: IMRTX35 & 3X Cisplatin ended 10-18-06. Tumor found 03/18/13; Partial Glossectomy 03/28/13 left lateral tongue. Nov. 2014; headaches,lump on left side of throat. Radical Neck Dissection 12-17-14; Tumor into nerves/jugular; Surgery successful, IMRTX30 & 7X Erbotux. Scan 06-03-15; NED! 06-02-16; Mets to left Humerus bone and lesion on lungs-here We go again! Never, Ever Give Up!

**** PASSED AWAY 10/8/16 ****