Linda, I hinted stongly to my wife that I wanted to try a cheesburger and then a slice of pizza. I assume that's because in the last 3 months I have watched 1,000,000 burger and pizza commercials!! She came through with the cheeseburger and I sat hoping the next day for my pizza. It didn't come & I didn't say anything because she has done soooo much. Two nights ago one of her employees, Pokey (a story for another Post) showed up at my front door with a slice of pizza from Pappa Johns. When I did eat pizza, my favorite was Pizza Hut's Meatlovers Pan but beggers can't be choosers. I also let it slide that Pokey was on the clock and I wonder where the other pieces of the pizza were since mine wasn't that hot!! To weak to go there. I could taste the sausage, the pepperoni and the red sauce but the melted gooey cheese was disapointing. I also felt really bloated after eating but al least I finally got my pizza. I'll talk to Pokey when I feel stronger.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.